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Think Globally. Get Vaccinated. Travel Locally.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to break daily records, even as the global vaccination pace accelerates. Additionally, multiple variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 are circulating globally and within the United States. On April 19, 2021, the U.S. Department of Stateexternal icon issued a Travel Advisory Updateexternal icon resulting in a significant increase in the number of countries classified as “Level 4: Do Not Travel,” to approximately 80% of countries worldwide.
With summer quickly approaching and vaccination rates increasing, many people are eager to travel. Additionally, many countries and states are loosening restrictions for visitors. CDC recommends delaying travel until you are fully vaccinated because travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. International travel poses additional risks, and even fully vaccinated travelers are at increased risk for getting and possibly spreading new COVID-19 variants. The COVID-19 situation differs from country to country, and you should pay close attention to the situation at your destination before traveling.
Once you are fully vaccinated, you can travel safely within the United States but you should follow domestic travel recommendations and consider levels of community transmission when selecting a domestic travel destination. Your method of transportation, type of accommodation, and activities during travel can increase your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel, you should get tested for COVID-19 before and after travel.
The safest way to travel is by practicing prevention strategies and getting vaccinated. To find a vaccine provider near you, visit Vaccine Finderexternal icon or your state or local public health department website.
Read complete: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
Créditos: Comité científico Covid